Seifert Equine Testing

Equine testing you can trust.

Do you have a horse with a metabolic condition or need to properly test your forage for your horse? Our mission is to provide the equine industry with quality forage and feed analyses. Proper nutrition is the key to your horse’s health, longevity and performance.

At Sierra Testing Service, we specialize in the most modern techniques for determining the nutrient content of forage and feed for horse owners. Forage makes up at least 50% of a horse’s diet, so knowing its nutritional make-up is essential for creating an optimum total feeding program. We provide a thorough analysis to accurately evaluate your horse’s ration, allowing you to adjust both feed and forage for a healthy, balanced diet. This is vital to your horse’s well-being, because better nutrition means better health, stronger performance, and longer life.

Equine test includes Full Analysis + Sugars $39.00

Subject to $10+ prep fee for non core samples (see pricing tab)